21 APR 2014 by ideonexus

 Cool Science Facts

"There are a million points of light in the universe traveling a million miles an hour away from us, yet they are so far away they appear to be standing still." "Estimate for # of planets in visible universe: 10^25, which = # molecules in a cup of water" Robert Garisto, PRL "I'm is Juliet Retenford and my favorite science fact is that marmoset siblings are all genetic chimeras of each other because they all share a single placenta so a single circulation." "Hi Dr. Jim Macena, University o...
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What happens when you ask scientists what their favorite science fact is.

10 AUG 2011 by ideonexus

 A Drop of Water to a Miniature Person

“Are there big people on your world, or are they all small like you?” Lyra said. “We know how to deal with big people,” Tialys replied, not very helpfully, and went to talk quietly to the Lady. They spoke too softly for Lyra to hear, but she enjoyed watching them sip dewdrops from the marram grass to refresh themselves. Water must be different for them, she thought to Pantalaimon: imagine drops the size of your fist! They’d be hard to get into; they’d have a sort of elastic rind, like a ball...
Folksonomies: perspectives
Folksonomies: perspectives
  1  notes

Would have an elastic rind from the surface tension that would need to be broken before drinking.